For my CJ… Tracking Miles

This is a simple app designed to keep track of business miles for tax purposes. This app will show a summary by year, provides two methods to export the data and can be backed up using the standard iTunes or iCloud backup processes.

The Interface

“+” Adds a new event. Here, the date is ‘auto’ assigned (current date), sales tax, total purchase, description, and image. This screen shows all the receipts/expenses logged.

“Edit”, when tapped, changes to edit mode to allow the user to delete a single event.

“20xx Miles = yyyy” This is a button that will cycle through all the years (starting with 2012) that mileage exists. This will be the total number of miles logged to date, for that particular year.

In the table itself, you can tap a particular record... This will take you to a detail screen that will allow you to change values (ie: date, description, odometer readings).

Please contact me directly if you need any assistance, or direction. If you would like to see something changed, I very much want to hear from you!

VERSION 1.5.1 RELEASED 2017-August

-When changing date, the app crashed... This has been resolved.

-For users without any 2013 entries, the “Total Miles” button did not progress to the current year... this has been resolved.

-This is now a Universal app meaning that it runs native on the iPad.


Universal : The iPad “version” is intended to provide the exact same interface, but to run “native” on the iPad. The advantage is a larger number of records viewable at one time as well a the ability to read larger strings of Descriptive text about the event. The disadvantage of the iPad version is there is much screen real estate wasted. Depending on user feedback, this could be resolved in a future release.

-Export: bug fix & copy to clipboard. There was an odd bug that has been resolved where the “Cancel” button would not provide a response: this has been resolved. If eMail has not been setup on a device, the app would crash: this has been resolved. An option has been added to copy database to clipboard.

-The background images have been “flattened”.

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